A great tip for running your own organic garden is to make every single minute count. When you have time, do some chores so they don’t pile up, such as picking a few weeds or deadheading some flowers. This is a tip for many different areas of your life, but it also applies to your garden.
The two tomato plants I bought bloomed early and we had some pretty green tomatoes for a few days. They were there on a Tuesday and not there on a Thursday. I think one of the neighboring gardeners, assuming our overgrown plot had been abandoned helped themselves to the tomatoes. I got one beautiful perfect and juicy, organic and I grew it tomato. Brenna may have gotten one as well. It was the only produce that the garden created all summer long.
#1. When you are first beginning, it’s best to start with a small garden. You’ll be amazed at how much you can grow in a very small amount of space. You don’t want to become discouraged by having a huge garden that takes a lot of handling when you aren’t really expert yet. Be sure to place your garden in an area where you can expand when you’re ready to take on a larger project. Choose an area of your yard that has good soil, good sunlight and good drainage.
#5. If your soil is good, you get plenty of sun and water regularly, you should begin seeing some very impressive growth from your little seedlings once they’re planted. Be sure to keep your seedlings well watered. Mulching around the seedlings and between the rows will help hold moisture into the soil. Keep pests off with a natural spray consisting of water and a small amount of dish-washing liquid. You’ll be surprised at how well this simple concoction protects your delicate plants.
The final solution is an apt name. Get out there and take on the beasts yourself. I have a pair of scissors which now are devoted to slug slicing. Yes, even vegans get the instincts of a serial killer when their baby cabbages and kale are under daily attack.
Organic Gardening. There are a lot of people that do organic gardening and they don’t even know it. By definition it’s the growing of fruits and vegetables using only natural methods. In essence, it means there are no artificial chemicals used to fertilize, control weeds and control pests.
Another reason to prepare your garden in the fall is if the area is wet in the early spring when planting season starts and dry in the fall. Take advantage of the dry fall and get it ready so you can start your garden earlier is the spring. Working with soil that is to wet can ruin the structure of the soil. Growing seasons can be to short as it is. You will benefit from the fall preparation.