Advantages of Gaming to those Who Want to Learn
It has been confirmed that technology can be used to improve learning. The children are the people who mostly benefit from the use of technology in learning. There has been an increase in the use of technology in the learning process. The effects of technology in the process of learning are now very evident. People must be very wary of the effects of technology in the process of learning. From this, you can note that technology has a lot of benefits to the learners. Gaming is a good example of how technology can be infused in to the learning process. Gaming just like other technological methods has various benefits to the learning process. This article looks at some of the benefits of gaming to the learning process.
One of the advantages of gaming when used in the education process is that the children are granted the freedom to learn. Apart from playing, the children are also learning at the same time. Most of the children will enjoy the learning process. When play is infused in learning it becomes more interesting to learning. Children spend a lot of their playing. Because the plays take a lot of time, the children also uses a lot of time learning. The content learnt cannot be retained for a longer time. The children will be able to choose what they want to retain or not through the play that they choose. The things that are learnt by the children are those that they think to be very important. Things that are not that much important to the children are not learnt.
Perseverance of the children is also one positive that can come out of the learning that involves gaming. The children can take a lot of time to go through a difficult puzzle or to pass a step in a video game. These games have a series of steps. One cannot succeed to the next step without successfully completing the previous one. If one does not pass the step or level, he or she will have to repeat it over and over until they can pass. The perseverance in the children will be because they take longer time to finish one step. On the other hand forcing a child to learn something that is difficult for them will only discourage them further.
The third benefit of gaming in the learning process is that gaming leads to engagement. One benefits of engagement is that the children will have a good memory of the things that they are able to learn. The game offers the children a source of enjoyment then they be in a position to retain what they have learnt. When there is too much love for the game, the things learnt will also be loved.
Learning by the help of games has a lot of advantages to the children who learn through this process.